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Kid-Friendly Breakfast Board


  • 3-4 Protein Choices: bacon, hard boiled egg, small yogurt cups, nuts, bacon, canadian bacon, prosciutto
  • 2-4 Fruit Choices: grapes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, sliced apples, sliced pears, dried orange slices
  • 1-2 Whole Grain Choices: whole wheat bread, granola bites, piece of granola bar, oatmeal cookies, whole wheat crackers
  • 1-2 (optional) Sweet Treats: mini muffins, donuts, pastries
  • 1-2 (optional) Spreads/Dips (in small container): jams/jellies, peanut butter, yogurt, butter, cheese spread


  1. Place desired protein sources on board in 3-4 places

  2. Add whole grain choices to board placing next to protein sources

  3. If desired place any containers/jars of spreads on board

  4. Fill in any gaps on board with fruit